Tel:   815-483-6097

making awesome websites for you!

Fire Based


Union Fire Web Design was created by designing and hosting the local where I work.  Thus, the company was born with a fire based theme, and I am proud to offer affordable hosting to many fire type sites.  The basis of making these prices so affordable was because I understand the fire service after being in it for 26 years and counting now.  It is good to have a tool to reach the public and our fellow firefighters, but our funds are stretched thin especially in today's economy.  Union Fire Web Design is a great option for those seeking representation on the World Wide Web, while stretching the dollar for other important fire related needs.  I give each and every site the same dedicated service I do to the local I work for.  Please check out the sites that are currently hosted here, and visit the Contact Us page if you have any questions or would like a quote for your fire based site!


Current Fire Based Sites Hosted at Union Fire Web Design:


  • Cicero Fire Fighters Local #717
  • Evanston Fire Fighters Association Local #742
  • Illinois Association of Retired Firefighters
    In 1982, The Illinois Association of Retired Firefighters was formed to assist retired and/or disabled firefighters to continue being an integral part of their community. The IARF allows the retiree to maintain contact with friends and co-workers, continue to be informed about problems of retirees, and keeping up to date with solutions to financial problems faced by Firefighters. IARF currently has 26 local Clubs chartered throughout Illinois, in cities like Rockford, Joliet, Peoria, Bloomington, Decatur, Quad Cities, Springfield, and Belleville. Each local club continues to work with and support area AFFI Locals, and we continue to be members of the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois.
